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[Tutorial] Cracking Windows 7 Password with Physical Access

Hi friends,

In some engagements, we can have a physical access to a Windows machine. So, today I'll try to simulate that situation on VMware virtual environment: cracking a Windows 7 password with Kali Linux live CD/DVD. I have to say clearly that I'll show how to crack the password, not change or reset or disable it.

I'll use the Windows 7 VMware image from Microsoft website to show you the steps below. Please download the virtual machine if you want: link.

Because the above Windows 7 is a 32 bit machine, we have to use the 32 bit Kali Linux.

1. Change the setting of the Windows 7 to use the Kali Linux 32 bit ISO file and choose "Connect at power on":

2. Power on the machine to firmware --> change the boot order --> Save change and reboot:

3. Now, we can boot the machine by Kali Linux, let's browse to the folder Windows\System32\config and open a terminal from that location:

4. From that terminal, fire up ophcrack --> Load --> Encrypted SAM --> Open:

5. Save the results to Desktop:

6. Open Firefox and use this website to crack the hash:

And we found the password is "Passw0rd!"


  1. Where do you get the menu for #2 Power on the machine to firmware?


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