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[Metasploitable 2] Method #1: Meet My Old Friend distccd v1

Hi friends,

I would like to share with you how I hack Metasploitable 2 by utilize the distccd v1 vulnerability. These are many bugs in Metasploitable 2 that can help you to hack it. Why I choose distccd? After using NMAP to scan for open ports on Metasploitable 2, I think I might meet an old friend again. I faced up to distccd when playing with Hack The Box's Lame (you can read my write-up on box Lame here). So, I guess I could use the same technique to hack Metasploitable 2 for the first time.

Let's start!
Using NMAP to scan for vulnerability on port 3632nmap --script vuln -p3632
We got CVE-2004-2687! Fire up Metasploit to search for the appropriate module or you can just use Google: msf > search type:exploit name:distcc
We know what module we have to use and then we can get in the box with the daemon user.
How to become root? We have to find a way to escalate our privilege. Let's take a look on this article to know how can we have root from daemon.
By using this command, we can find out what binaries with SUID permission, and we got nmap.
Let's use nmap SUID technique to become root!
Happy hacking! Next step, find another way to hack it again.
P/S: let's take a look onto the connection Metasploit make to the hacked box.


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